Week 17 : Falling Behind.

It’s been at least 2 weeks that I’ve tried to “catch the train” in order to be on time for the assignments and … as Mark said, live the experience instead of doing the MKMMA as an assignment.

I’m so tired and frustrated and at the same time, I had that feeling that I really don’t want to fall behind.

I still observing myself and I notice something as I was late to delivered my weekly article on time. As I finished to complete the task, I said to myself  that it will never happen again and then, I only have to be better organized.

How delusional I was.

I don’t know how many times I delivered the article late since that time but it seems that I repeat the same mistake.

I saw a pattern : I deliver the article and the ” comments & share ” assignment almost always too late.

Yep, we can say that I’m not honoring the requirement. But at the same time, I had that feeling that it isn’t even difficult as it appear.

I know I can do that. Yeah, I know I can improve that situation. I laugh to myself on how my mind is so easy at finding excuses and the best part … it works.

Conscious effort is required. I know it. And I’ll keep doing my best.

Yesterday, I had to talk to my sister in order to improve the relationship with our father. She has some tension with him and I decided to improve as soon as possible that situation by talking to both side privately.

I did it with my father 2 days ago.

And yesterday, I did it with my sister. But it was at the same time that the MKMMA live call.

I decided mentally to NOT attend the live call. It was weird as I’ve never did that before. Since that I’ve began the MKMMA journey, it is the first time that I did that.

I feel a little bit guilty. I have some fear as well that because of that, I’ll probably end up doing the same pattern again and again like the one I did with the assignments.

Anyway, I did talk to my sister and loved it. We didn’t talk together for ” centuries “, you get the idea. The exchange was great and I hope that their relationship will improve this week.

So, I was a little bit anxious about not attending the webinar and the same time felt good about the fact I did spent time with my sister.

The late delivering of the assignment, the decision to not attend the webinar or the fact that I fall behind leads me to a quote that I’ve remembered from Stephen Covey. It goes something like this : ” Don’t prioritize your schedule, but schedule your prioritize “.

So, maybe the consequence that I’ve today is not only about me making the conscious effort but rather finding those priorities. (e.g my PPNs ? my DMP ? the 20% that leads to the 8O% ? etc … )

I’m in that phase now … . Let’s see what happen next week 🙂

12 thoughts on “Week 17 : Falling Behind.

  1. Tottaly can relate to that! Once we let ourselves a permission to slip once, we repeat it. Today I promised myself to write 2 blogs (16 and 17). 1 down 1 to go. And it started back in November when i took two weeks vacation. Still catching up since then. Don’t feel bad about anything! Just keep going and do your best!!

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  2. Trust your intuition as Mark says. You do the right thing at the right time. You will catch up as I will too. I have had my challenges too and they are still here. I have made commitments that I honor and will carry through. It helps to clarify that it is really makes sense to focus on those things that move us to our DMP. Thanks for sharing.

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  3. My goodness, you wrote this just for me. Not really, but you know where I’m going with this. I have felt exactly the same way. And like you, I’ve sometimes had to pick family first. However, I think that is one of the things this course points out; that it is our journey and it is in this journey that we develop our relationships. We all have to keep moving forward. Thanks you made me feel better.

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  4. Jimmy, I hear you loud & clear. Subby can be a little sneak, he tries to pull a fast one on me all the time. Tries to get me to skip those things I have written down on paper. Like skipping the gym. He comes along in a persuasive voice and tells me to “Take a free ride” in my own life. We don’t get the promotion unless we get our own approval.

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